Friday, February 22, 2013

Broward County - And stopping the insanity

Broward County Florida is talking about banning pitbulls. The exact words
"Barbara Sharief, Vice Mayor of the Broward County Commission, will introduce a motion today to make it illegal to "own and keep" American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers -- or any dog that may "conform" to a pit bull breed." (1)

Miami-Dade also has BSL. It has been long controversial.

Now the interesting part here is the fact the State of Florida has a law prohibiting Breed Specific Legislation.

Does this mean the counties in Florida have greater power than the State Government?  If any county has the right to change the state law, why not allow them to run drugs, guns?  In other countries where drug lords run the show, the issue lies in the fact they own the government. Now if the counties in Florida have the right to change the State Laws, how long before we see the drug lords running a county in Florida? And if Florida government has allowed a precedent to be set, then what right do they have to complain about laws which deny other parts of the State Law.

If we allow counties to deny families their dogs, are we not forcing families apart? Breaking down the family structure? Putting more dogs into a broken system, and killing them for a lack of a place for them to live? How does this make us more American, we have the right to.. smoke pot, not have our pets, and crumble under the laws set forth by a government who no longer cares about the rights of the citizens but only the power of the governments.

Be Heard - Save A Family

Schedules and agendas can be found here.

Contact information for the commission:

The commissions websites and districts can be found here.

Vice Mayor Barbara Sharief
Broward County Governmental Center
115 S. Andrews Ave., Room 410
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: 954-357-7008

Martin David Kiar
Phone: 954-357-7001

Mayor Kristin Jacobs, Phone: 954- 357-7002

Stacy Ritter
Phone: 954-357-7003

Chip LaMarca
Phone: 954-357-7004

Lois Wexler
Phone: 954-357-7005

Sue Gunzburger
Telephone: 954-357-7006

Tim Ryan
Phone: 954-357-7007

Dale Holness
Phone: 954-357-7009

Broward Palm Beach News Times Feb 21, 2013

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